Buzz Alley
Come explore Buzz Alley and experience the honey bee's and other native bee's roles as pollinators. Learn about the importance of beekeeping in helping to sustain healthy beehives. Dress up as a worker, queen or drone honey bee and play in an oversize hive and learn how each plays an important role in the life of the colony. Play a pollination game to transfer pollen and nectar from flowers back to hive for food. Try on a beekeeper's outfit and use real beekeeper tools to pretend to tend the oversize hive. Do honey bee dances to communicate with other honey bees. Our rooftop garden, beyond the windows of Buzz Alley, is filled with native Tennessee plants important to pollinators with a beautiful pollinator mural by artist Joy Taylor. as a backdrop.
For more information about the life cycle of bees, contact Karen Dewhirst at (423) 756-2738 ext. 294 or via email at
Some props may not be available due to the COVID-19 pandemic.