CDM is your partner in academically-aligned learning. We provide resources and experiences you won't find anywhere else!
Experience science phenomena in science demonstrations, workshops, and exhibits.
DISCOVERY TOURSExplore the Museum in this two-hour, unguided tour.
IMAGINE TOURSIn partnership with ArtsBuild, Imagine! Tours provide an introduction to the arts for Hamilton County school kindergarteners.
We'll bring the Museum to you! Enjoy a hands-on experience for students inside the classroom with our certified Outreach Educators.
FAMILY NIGHTSAn evening event for families. CDM provides all the materials for 9 activities serving up to 300 participants.
DISTANCE LEARNINGDistance Learning lessons bring the Museum's hands-on instruction right to your classroom!
Lab Days are the place where family learning groups engage in science inquiry, hands-on exploration, and family networking opportunities.
STEAM WORKSHOPSEach month, explore and innovate in our workshop with experienced staff that support kids and caregivers through a project.
Engage in hands-on learning with topics and themes that inspire children to explore, innovate, create, and play!