For caregivers of children with sensory sensitivities, finding stress-free family playtime can be challenging. Sensory Night aims to offer a low-stimulus, enjoyable experience for everyone. This special evening provides children with sensory sensitivities and their families exclusive access to the Museum in a controlled, low-sensory environment. Overhead announcements, food smells, and other sensory inputs will be minimized. Admission is free, but registration is required. To maintain a sensory-friendly atmosphere, attendance is limited to 100 visitors.
Thursday, January 2 - Sensory Night
Registration opens on December 23.
February - Club Discovery
Thursday, March 6 - Sensory Night with Down Syndrome Community
Registration opens on February 24.
April - Club Discovery
Thursday, May 1 - Sensory Night
Registration opens on April 21.
June & July - Friends Discovery Camp!
Thursday, August 7 - Sensory Night
Registration opens on July 28.
September - Club Discovery
October 27 - Turquoise Trail, an accessible trick-or-treat experience
November - Club Discovery
Thursday, December 4 - Sensory Night
Registration opens on November 24.
Grace Episcopal Quilters showcase their skills in the Weaving and Textile room on August 10. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity!
Welcome to our lab, where scientific wonders come to life! Lab Days are the place where family learning groups engage in hands-on fun.
Explore and innovate in our workshop with experienced staff that support kids and caregivers through a creative project each month!